Tuesday, May 5th: Writing
Pre-K: Pretend you have traveled in space. What color are the planets? Write the colors on a piece of paper. Use your flashcards if you need to.
Kindergarten: Pretend you have found a new planet in space! Here is your sentence starter: My planet’s name is _________. Write another sentence about your planet. Is it big or little? Hot or cold? Could we travel there? Draw a picture of your new planet too.
1st & 2nd Grade: Write 5 facts you learned yesterday about planets. Write 2 opinions. Make sure to use capital letters and ending marks.
3rd &4th Grade: Mrs. Vaughan is trying to choose which planet is her favorite. Write her a letter telling her all about the planet that you chose to research yesterday and give her reasons why it should be her favorite planet as well.
5th & 6th Grade: Pretend that you are in outer space. Write a short story about an adventure you would have while you were in outer space. Have fun and be creative!